REF CURSORS is the powerful, flexible, and scale-able ways to return query results from Oracle database to application. It is a PL/SQL data type whose value is the memory address of a query works on the database. In other word, a REF CURSORS is a pointer to a result set.
REF CURSORS Properties:
REF CURSORS Properties:
- A REF CURSOR refers to a memory address on the database. Therefore, the client must be connected to the database during the lifetime of the REF CURSOR in order to access it.
- A REF CURSOR involves an additional database round-trip. While the REF CURSOR is returned to the client, the actual data is not returned until the client opens the REF CURSOR and requests the data. Note that data is not be retrieved until the user attempts to read it.
- A REF CURSOR is not updatable. The result set represented by the REF CURSOR is read-only. You cannot update the database by using a REF CURSOR.
- A REF CURSOR is not backward scrollable. The data represented by the REF CURSOR is accessed in a forward-only, serial manner. You cannot position a record pointer inside the REF CURSOR to point to random records in the result set.
- A REF CURSOR is a PL/SQL data type. You create and return a REF CURSOR inside a PL/SQL code block.
Example: Stored Procedures that uses REF Cursors
CREATE TABLE prabin_emp( empno NUMBER(4,0), ename VARCHAR2(10), job VARCHAR2(9), mgr NUMBER(4,0), hiredate DATE, sal NUMBER(7,2), comm NUMBER(7,2), deptno NUMBER(2,0), CONSTRAINT pk_emp PRIMARY KEY (empno));
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get_emp_rs (p_deptno IN prabin_emp.deptno%TYPE, p_recordset OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) AS
OPEN p_recordset FOR
SELECT ename,
FROM prabin_emp
WHERE deptno = p_deptno
ORDER BY ename;
END get_emp_rs;
Procedure GET_EMP_RS compiled
Example: Returning result using Function:CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_emp_rs_test( p_deptno IN NUMBER) RETURN sys_refcursor AS p_recordset sys_refcursor; BEGIN get_emp_rs(p_deptno,p_recordset); RETURN p_recordset; END; / Function GET_EMP_RS_TEST compiled
SELECT my_proc_test(20) FROM dual; Output:Example: Returning Result Using PL/SQL{<ENAME=ALLEN,EMPNO=7499,DEPTNO=30>, <ENAME=BLAKE,EMPNO=7698,DEPTNO=30>, <ENAME=JAMES,EMPNO=7900,DEPTNO=30>, <ENAME=MARTIN,EMPNO=7654,DEPTNO=30>, <ENAME=TURNER,EMPNO=7844,DEPTNO=30>, <ENAME=WARD,EMPNO=7521,DEPTNO=30>,}
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE l_cursor SYS_REFCURSOR; l_ename prabin_emp.ename%TYPE; l_empno prabin_emp.empno%TYPE; l_deptno prabin_emp.deptno%TYPE; BEGIN get_emp_rs (p_deptno => 30, p_recordset => l_cursor); LOOP FETCH l_cursor INTO l_ename, l_empno, l_deptno; EXIT WHEN l_cursor%NOTFOUND; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(l_ename || '| ' || l_empno || '| ' || l_deptno); END LOOP; CLOSE l_cursor; END; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Output: ALLEN | 7499 | 30 BLAKE | 7698 | 30 JAMES | 7900 | 30 MARTIN | 7654 | 30 TURNER | 7844 | 30 WARD | 7521 | 30
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Have a Database-ious Day!
Have a Database-ious Day!
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