WITH CLAUSE also known as sub-query factoring clause, It allows you to give a name to a select query and use the result inside a query. WITH clause generally improves query performance by running the query once and use the result later. WITH common table expression is very popular on SQLServer world as CTE. WITH clause makes the query easier to read and understand by removing the query complexity. Oracle optimizes the query by treating the query name as either an inline view or as a temporary table. You are required to access the performance of WITH clause on a case-by-case basis because not all CTE provides better performance.
Example 1: Single sub-query select
Example 2: Multiple sub-query select
PL/SQL Example:
The above example can be re-written in PL/SQL without WITH clause, which is short,easy to read and manage. Which one do you like better?
Oracle 12c has made a huge improvement on WITH clause which now can be used with Functions and Procedures. WITH clause must be followed by a single SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, OR DELETE statement and there are few exceptions which are beyond the scope of this article. Last but not least, you cannot nest the WITH clause meaning you cannot have a sub-query within sub-query factoring clause.
WITH <alias_name>AS (sql_subquery_statement) SELECT column_list FROM <alias_name> [, tablename] [ WHERE <join_condition> ]
Example 1: Single sub-query select
WITH max_sal AS (SELECT Max(sal) FROM baniya.emp) SELECT * FROM max_sal;
Example 2: Multiple sub-query select
WITH max_sal AS (SELECT Max(sal) FROM baniya.emp), emp_cnt AS (SELECT Count(ename) FROM baniya.emp) SELECT * FROM max_sal UNION SELECT * FROM emp_cnt;
PL/SQL Example:
SET serveroutput ON; DECLARE total_employee NUMBER := 0; maximum_salary NUMBER := 0; BEGIN WITH max_sal AS (SELECT Max(sal) AS maxsal FROM baniya.emp) SELECT maxsal INTO maximum_salary FROM max_sal; WITH emp_cnt AS (SELECT Count(ename) AS empcnt FROM baniya.emp) SELECT empcnt INTO total_employee FROM emp_cnt; --Print Output dbms_output.Put_line('Maximum Salary: ' || maximum_salary); dbms_output.Put_line('Total Employee No: ' || total_employee); END; /
The above example can be re-written in PL/SQL without WITH clause, which is short,easy to read and manage. Which one do you like better?
SET serveroutput ON; DECLARE total_employee NUMBER := 0; maximum_salary NUMBER := 0; BEGIN SELECT Max(sal) INTO maximum_salary FROM baniya.emp; SELECT Count(ename) INTO total_employee FROM baniya.emp; dbms_output.Put_line('Maximum Salary: ' || maximum_salary); dbms_output.Put_line('Total Employee No: ' || total_employee); END; /
Oracle 12c has made a huge improvement on WITH clause which now can be used with Functions and Procedures. WITH clause must be followed by a single SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, OR DELETE statement and there are few exceptions which are beyond the scope of this article. Last but not least, you cannot nest the WITH clause meaning you cannot have a sub-query within sub-query factoring clause.
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Have a Database-ious Day!
Have a Database-ious Day!
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